Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Please, Enjoy.

My #1 goal as a blogger is to make my fellow bloggers, and anyone who may just drop in for a visit, as comfortable as possible. To that end, I am unveiling a very special feature on my blog: my Special Saturday Night playlist. I'm confident that this playlist will serve to enhance your experience as you navigate around the sparse, limited, and honestly, pretty uninteresting features of my blog. If you're wondering why there's only one song on my playlist, the answer is twofold: 1) it's the most magnificent song ever put to vinyl; and 2) there's not much to do on my blog, so you'll probably be done by the time the one song is over. If by chance you're still here when the song ends, you may need to seriously consider getting some new hobbies, or maybe just interacting with your children a little more. But be that as it may, please, feel free to enjoy the beautiful music again and again at your leisure. As I said, I'm here to serve you, the blogger. We deserve it. So please, come on in, put your cyber feet up, and enjoy the soft sounds of NKOTB.


Joe said...

I've listened to this song about 10 times now. I can't stop crying.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is Yes! Yes Bellicose, YES!

Lucas Gjovig said...

Angry Guy,
This song actually makes me very angry. If I saw you, I would punch you in the ovary. Straight to the baby-maker.

Kim Thomas said...

Maybe I'll put NKOTB's Hanging Tough on my blog.

Jane said...

I am impressed that you showed your deep side. NKOTB brings that out it men.

Teri said...

I love this song. It reminds me of when MAry Ella went to the prom

Kim Thomas said...

I have things I am angry about...starting with the fact that you havent complained in quite awhile.

Kim Thomas said...

The new kids on the block have reunited....surely that is something you can write about.

Special Saturday Night Playlist