Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's get to it.

I started this blog with the intention of creating a place where I could simply vent about the literally thousands of people and events that enrage, infuriate, annoy or otherwise just tickle my fancy in a given day. I hope the angry decor or the intimidating name of the blog doesn't scare anyone, but I wanted to convey the sheer rage and whimsy that I feel as I passionately share my feelings about life, love and the Arizona State Sun Devils. So please, join me on this titilating foray into the blogosphere. And while you're at it, maybe you can share what's in your heart of hearts also. Let's get to it.


Brian Jones said...

Joe's initial post was better than mine. I hate that.

Jane said...

Yeah!!!! The Masculine Anti-Bloggers Alliance has come out to play!!!

The Hotchicks bloggers club welcomes you!

Kim Thomas said...

Yes, the hot chick bloggers club welcomes you.....although I must say I found "pink" to be an interesting color choice for the "Masculine Anti-Bloggers Alliance"

Teri said...

Welcome to blogging

Jenn Ann said...

I love the word titilating

Special Saturday Night Playlist